Our Company History
Established in 1991, MMC Learning and Development (MMCLD) was one of the first interactive digital media companies in Australia.
MMCLD began by designing and developing interactive media for deployment on Floppy Disk. The Internet wasn’t as we know it today and CD-ROM’s had not hit the market. During this time MMCLD provided marketing and training services to such clients as Borland Software, Zurich Insurance and NSW Department of Education.
As technology progressed to CD-ROM’s, MMCLD became a leader in Australia for mastering and duplication. It was a time when one Phillips CD-ROM burner cost $20,000 AUD, and each blank CD-ROM cost $60. MMCLD worked with Sony to produce one of the first cross-platform marketing CD-ROM’s, Gold Mastered by MMCLD, Glass Mastered by Sony California and Duplicated at the Sony plant in Huntingwood NSW in Australia. During this time MMCLD provided marketing and training services to such clients as Sony Australia, Optus Communications, the Australian Army and NSW Department of Education. Specifically, MMCLD began working with the Australian Army on the first E-Learning products that integrated with the existing ADEL Doctrine. MMCLD designed, developed and deployed award-winning courseware covering Deployment of Two Light Support Weapons, NAVPAC Land Navigation, Basic First Aid, Operations Law and Subject 1 for Corporals Course.
As technology progressed to the Internet, the CD-ROM continued to remain a robust distribution method while use of the Floppy Disk decreased. The Industry saw the first Learning Management Systems (LMS) arrive supporting the AICC format designed by the Aviation Industry. At the same time the DOT.com crash saw many of MMCLD’s competition leave the industry. Unlike other businesses who focussed on the corporate sector, MMCLD was able to weather the DOT.com crash through diversifying our services across three key markets: corporate, the Federal Government (Defence) and State Government (K-12 Education). During this period MMCLD also found international success with the United States Marine Corps (USMC) as a result of their exposure to courseware designed and developed for the Australian Army. This led to several consultancies at Quantico, VA and Camp Lejeune, NC. For the support he provided to the USMC, MMCLD’s Founder and CEO was presented with a rarely awarded Education Corps Challenge Coin. MMCLD became the Australian distributor for OutStart Inc and secured a position with the newly formed Department of Defence, Campus organisation. MMCLD worked closely with Campus to maintain OutStart’s Learning Content Management System (LCMS), Evolution. During this period MMCLD also continued developing the Basic Skills Test Data Analysis System, which became one of the world’s most sophisticated K-12 educational data analysis systems and was the precursor to the current NAPLAN system.
CD-ROMs began to change from being a training delivery format to an archiving and media transfer tool. The LMS became the main delivery system for E-Learning. MMCLD continued as Australia’s distributor for OutStart Inc and as a supporter to Campus for both the LCMS and E-Learning development. Additionally, MMCLD won a significant contract with DMO for the design, development and deployment of the Standard Defence Supply System (SDSS) / Military Integrated Logistics Information System (MILIS) system E-Learning.
As technology advanced, a greater bandwidth provided the opportunity to deliver far more engaging E-Learning and online training. MMCLD won a significant content design and development contract with Raytheon Australia on the Air Warfare Destroyer Alliance. MMCLD produced hundreds of hours of highly engaging E-Learning to be delivered on the Defence Restricted Network (DRN). MMCLD also migrated the Basic Skills Test Data Analysis System to coincide with the introduction of NAPLAN. Lastly, as a result of the success of the data analysis system, MMCLD won a multi-million dollar three-year contract out of New York, US to design, develop and deploy K-12 educational software to parents and children in the US.
Technology saw a migration from Flash-based design and development to HTML5 for mobile delivery. MMCLD continues its strong relationship with ADF and Campus. MMCLD was one of the first organisations in Australia to receive the Microsoft HoloLens and designed and developed a number of innovative Augmented Reality samples to demonstrate the strength of the platform. MMCLD won a contract with Thales Australia for the design and development of the Generation 2 Defence Local Area Network (GEN2DLAN) training program to be utilised in Defence training centres and deployed with the kit as a training aid. MMCLD also won a significant contract for the design, development and delivery of Face-to-Face training for Queensland Rail’s iTOPS program; this training provided the foundation for the new timetabling system.