Partnering with MMCLD

MMCLD has extensive experience in partnering with a broad range of organisations. We see the benefits of strategic partnerships particularly in terms of pooling and enhancing knowledge and resources, as well as diversifying products and services.

 As a specialist provider of training services and solutions, MMCLD can apply our capability to work with organisations whether they be small businesses or prime systems providers and integrators.


Specialist Support to Enhance Solutions

MMCLD can contribute specialist training support to partners including prime systems providers and integrators to enhance solutions through the provision of end to end training services. MMCLD can apply our capabilities at any point along the logistics and training continuum.  We are able to focus training solutions on systems integrators ’providers’ proprietary products, tailoring company subject matter expertise and content to meet the specific requirements of the Australian client.


Capacity and Capability Enhancement

MMCLD recognises many organisations retain in-house capability in training and logistics. Our approach is to work in conjunction with other providers using our skills and expertise to enhance, supplement or provide surge capability for existing training and logistics capability.


Complete Services and Sustainment Solution

Our Partner’s customers have a need for product solutions that incorporate sustainment elements including training and logistics products. MMCLD offers a unique capability in training and logistics that can complement and enhance the product and systems offered by our clients to their customers across the breadth of industries.

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